“Selfcare! Selfcare! So your arms will be strong when the people you love fall.”-Jennifer Lewis
It is so very important to “fill our cups” as parents. We will not be able to properly give to our children with an empty cup. The care for our children will be affected if we are burnt out, anxious, depressed or facing any sort of emotional/mental/spiritual problem. We need to self care for ourselves into order to properly care for our babies. Fortunately, self care has really been emphasized and in the spotlight lately. How do you fill your cup? Here are 6 self care ideas for Parents.
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What is Self Care To You?
My definition of Self Care is exactly how it sounds: Making time for myself by any means in order to be the best version of me. That includes the whole person: Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It can range from exercise (hiking is one of my favorites) and mediation to reading an inspirational book, or savoring a delectable treat.
The other day I was watching a Youtube video of new parents Rihanna and ASAP Rocky interviewing each other. At one point, Rihanna asks ASAP, “What is your self care routine?”. ASAP is a self proclaimed “pretty boy” but I was surprised when he started describing his skin care routine. (Which was washing and drying his face if you’re wondering). That was the first time I heard a man describe his self care routine as being skin care. However, it’s a great form of self care for everyone!
How Do you Fill your Cup? 6 Self Care Ideas for Parents
Kim Kardashian is a social media influencer and a single mom of four children. However, she has said she thinks it’s important to take time for herself. Self care includes facials, massages and also “shutting down social media”.
Jennifer Lewis is an entertainer and mental health advocate. She has implored women to take care of themselves and “stop eating so much damn fried chicken”. And she asks that women put their health first so they don’t leave their children early.
Marie Kondo is a Master Organizer and author. She has said to “savor the chaos”. As a mother of three young children, the queen of clean has relaxed on having a perfectly neat home and embraced her messy house. And she has said learning to laugh and finding the humor in the messy mishap.
First Lady Michelle Obama has stated the “need for us as women to prioritize ourselves. We tend to be last on the list”. She needs the right exercise and sleep and says it’s “not an option”, especially when she’s “under pressure”.
Former monk Jay Shetty has stated that “mono tasking and not multitasking” helps him to be more efficient. Being fully present in the moment actually makes him a better worker. He describes fully savoring moments such as when drinking a cup of tea. “Tea is another great way to make mindful moments. I hold it in my hands and breathe in the smell. Then, I look at the color. And then finally I take a taste”.
Singer Jennifer Lopez has said taking those few extra minutes has helped her. She’s said, “I can take a little bit of extra time and take a 10-minute bath instead of a 3-minute bath. I think self-care is very important even if you just take a few minutes”.
Take Care of you!
Always remember to take that time for yourself. And always Remember 2 Savor it when you do!